Saturday, May 19, 2012

WHATEVER WORKS..this time about Normandie and Blog #1

Blog #1   Getting Old Ain’t Funny…or is it?    

I woke up one morning and found to my astonishment  that I was a Senior Citizen.  I don’t know how or when it actually happened, but there it was the blaring fact that I was ‘old’. I usually refer to myself a”middle aged”, but that would mean I plan to live to be one hundred thirty seven years old.  Right now I don’t think that’s one of my possibilities.

I find as the years go on that more and more, like Don Q, I’m constantly fighting  windmills.  I find as the years pass that I put up with less and less.  I no longer except mistakes on bills, or ignorant people, or situations that I just don’t want to deal with.  I’m constantly fighting with banks, communication companies, stores that overcharge and just anyone that annoys the hell out of me.  I live on a very limited budget and absolutely NO BODY takes advantage of me any more. I do however take most things with a ‘grain of salt’ and always try to find the humor in the situation.  That’s basically what I write about, the absurdness of the situations I seem to get my self into.  I find that almost anything can be written about with a sense of humor.

I love to write, write and write.  I especially like to give my view of what’s happening in my life, with regard to my friends, acquaintances and even strangers I meet.  I write about my never ending battles with the companies I have to deal with and the ridiculousness of the situations I seem to get into.

Life is a “Ball” and I am having the best time of my life.  There’s just one thing going on after another and either you laugh or you slit your wrists.  At this moment, I still laugh!

I have a best friend, Nancy.  I’ve known her since 3rd grade, that’s about 60 years now.  She tells everyone that I’m much older then she is, so I guess the only way that would be possible would be is if I were left back several times in kindergarten.  What can I say, she’ll  be the first to tell you, she always knows best. We have and still do get into alllll kinds of situations, sometimes things get ‘dicy’ but when we, by the skin of our teeth, get out of it, we always have a good laugh,.  And although I do sometimes take a little “artistic license”, I write about them.  Trust me, she doesn’t usually like what I write.

We like to travel and cruise whenever we can and our trips are always and experience. Whether it’s in our everyday life or in  our travels, as they say “If it can go wrong”, with us “it usually does”.

After every thing is said and done,  I hope you like the way I write and  what I have to say!  I have, obviously, no formal training in writing and whatever I’m experiencing goes into my mind and down to my fingers and right out onto the page.  I do a lot of re-reading, re-writing,  a lot of adding and very little subtracting, but, no matter how I try it always, comes out the same way all the time.

I take my philosophy on life from and old Woody Allen movie ‘‘WHATEVER WORKS!”
