Sunday, November 3, 2013

whatever works .... this time about 'i wish i knew what the hell was going on here'.

whatever works heaven knows what this will be about..

i can't seem to find the new blog site i created:, for some reason it to has disappeared from the dashboard that i write on and post from.  i now have about 8 blogs, non of which i can get into.  i think this will be posted under an old blog spot site i had some time go  named:, but this is only conjecture, who know where it will show up, or if it will show up at all anywhere, or at least anywhere i will be able to find, or you will be able to find.  that is if you're even interested in finding it.  I'm just going to publish this little nothing and see where it shows up.

I'm also going to try and put photos on it, which is something i could never figure out when i was i thought moving along nicely on wordpresss.  as most of you know i can not in anyway find the wordpress dashboard so that i could continue to post there.  i also now have about 7 e-mail addresses and when i try to get into wordpress it says i need a password which i don't remember and in order to get a new password you have to put in an active e-mail address.  i have tried putting in every one of the e-mail address i have and a 'link' was not sent to any of them.  soooo, where is the damn thing going.  now wordpress does have a way to help you find your missing blog dashboard.  1st you have had to purchase an upgrade and know when you did that  2nd you have to be able to prove it's your blog by telling them what you've written in draft form before you published and the 3rd i don't remember.  well, i never upgraded so i don't have a payment receipt, i never write in draft form on the dashboard site, i always write in 'word' then just cut and past to the dashboard and the third whatever it was i didn't do either.  so they were not able to help me get back to the dashboard that i have been faithfully posting to for a couple of years now.  so, the last post i was able to do on wordpress just sits there in cyber space that anyone can still read if they put, but i can not change and with no way at all to tell people what's happened and the new blog spot I'm at.  which by the way, i also can not find.  and so, here we are full circle, back where we started.

i don't know if any of you will be able to find this, or even if i will be able to find this, or even if you care to find this, but here we go.

attached, and i use the word loosely, because i have no idea if they will actually show up or not, are of our recent trip to Italy.  as you may or may not be able to see, as the case may be, all photos of buildings,  doors, door knockers, and various individual features on the buildings.  as you can see i do not take photos of people, why i don't know, but i do know i like buildings.  i took 4,000 photos while in Europe and on the ship all of items.  

p.s.  you can tell this hasn't gone thru Angela, because i don't like to use capital letters since they slow me down and only change them when the spell check tells me to.  

well, here's another interesting little tidbit.  when you click on add a photo your options are:  from Picasa, from dropbox, from this blog, from your phone, from your webcam.  well i have thousands of photos on Picasa, of which 6 showed up (and that was all i could find)  these are 3 of them, i do, i think have a similar amount on that dropbox (whatever that it-only opened it because Laurie told me to so she could look at something i wanted to send and was having trouble with, the only trouble now is i do not understand 'dropbox' at all and can not figure out what it's purpose is or what it is supposed to be used for.  i have a similar understand of 'facebook')  as far as URL I have no idea what they want me to put in there, i don't know what webcam is or where to find it even if i had it, and obviously I'm trying to put photos on here so there aren't any already.  that option seemed totally ridiculous to me, and finally i do have photos on my phone, but nothing i wanted to share here.  I'm use to getting all my photos from 'word' but that was NOT an option.  why not, i have no idea since i believe that's where people with 'windows' usually keep their pictures, do you?

just for the hell of it, the pictures from top to bottom are:  the serenity deck notice on the ship,

the outside of shops in Bermuda (maybe) and the young girl who was supposed to help with the serving in the dining room on the ship.  she did, as seen here, spend most of her time behind the barrier starring out into the dining room, but doing nothing, while the head waiter ran around doing everything.  she was a sweet, lovely little girl but didn't seem to be any help at all.  in spite of what this seems, i do actually have some perfectly wonderful photos off all areas of Europe we were in.

well, this it  - what you see is what you get.

whatever works --  normandie