Saturday, September 19, 2015

Whateverworks. ..this time about..Normandie & " just live with it"!

Whatever Works ... This time about Normandie and “JUST LIVE WITH IT”

It has recently occurred to me that more and more I have been hearing from doctors and friends alike, “JUST LIVE WITH IT.”  That may be fine and dandy and easy for them to say, but I’m the one who is actually doing the living with it!
I have been thinking back, and I realized that I started to hear those words rather frequently when I was about 69.  
When I was 68 or 69, I began having trouble with my legs.  I felt a little numbness in my both my thighs when I stood or walked too much.  Then as time went by, it got worse and happened more often.  Numbness, then pain.  Real, honest-to-goodness pain. 
I went to Dr. Flaherty and he took x-rays.  Turns out I have two discs in my spine that have dissolved, or compressed or something.  Pressure on the area causes the numbness, then the pain.  Medical opinion on how to stop it:  simple, sit down until it goes away.   Reason:  an operation on my spine would be too dangerous.  Or, in other words --- just live with it!
Sometime later, I had a problem with numbness in my right hand once in a while.  More x-rays.  Now I learned a disc is missing in my neck causing occasional numbness.  Medical decision:  absolutely no operation on my neck, unless absolutely necessary.  And this was not absolutely necessary.  Results:  deal with occasional numbness.  In other words, just live with it!
After turning 70, I noticed a large bulge in my stomach, so back to the doctor.  Turns out it’s a hernia.  Protruding, yes.  Medical problem, no.
In other words, unless it ruptures (here we go again), just live with it!
The numbness in my legs started to get more frequent.  No change in medical diagnosis.  You got it, just….
The numbness in my fingers moved up to my arms, too. Tough!  Just live w…..
I turned 71 and developed heart problems.  No one suggested I live with it – they fixed it by putting in a stent.  But, while in the hospital, I had a serious dizzy spell!  The doctor asked lots of questions.  Diagnosis:  old age vertigo.  Anyway, can it be fixed — no.  You got it, one more time, “just…l…w…i..!”
This month, my crown fell out of the front of my mouth:  a gaping hole where my front tooth should be.  Diagnosis:  can’t have it fixed until September.  Why?  Because I’m on Plavix (blood thinner) until then because of the stent!  Results:  at this point I don’t even have to say it, do I?
I also have angina off and on.  Is it a problem all the time?  No.  Result:  why shouldn’t you hear it as much as I do, “JUST LIVE WITH IT!”
For 30 years, I have had constant diarrhea.  Cause?  Who really knows!  All medical people think it’s because ALL the meds I take say “possible diarrhea” as a side effect. Result:  too bad, “live with it” and run to the bathroom whenever necessary, and always carry an extra pair of underwear!  
And, how could I forget the dreaded restless leg syndrome!  For about two to three months, I had constant restless leg syndrome.  Every night I walked and walked the floor.  It felt like worms were crawling up and down the veins in my legs.  They just wouldn’t stop the movement and I couldn’t do anything except walk.  
Dr. Flaherty said I could take yet another pill that might relieve it, or, what can I say --- just live with it, it might stop at some point.
About two weeks ago, I started to feel a little “tickle” feeling on the back of my neck around the area where the label on your shirt would be.  It’s a small tickle feeling in a small area.  Annoying, yes, a very, very annoying feeling –yes!.  I keep asking Nan if something is walking on me.  There is nothing there.  Am I going to the doctor?  NO! Am I going to ask anyone to see if something is there again?--  NO!  --- I am, however, going to take it on my own to just “live with it!!

So, let’s re-cap:  
1. Numbness in both thighs:  live with it!
2. Numbness in arm and fingers:  live with it!
3. Protruding stomach:  live with it!
4. Hernias in stomach:  live with them!
5. Angina, too bad:  live with it!
6. Toothless, big deal: live with it!
7. 30 years of constant diarrhea, that’s too bad.  Diarrhea, find a bathroom:  live with it.
8. Restless leg syndrome, I chose “just to live with it” since I refused to add yet another pill that might or might not work to the 12 I was already taking.
9. Tickle in my neck:  that’s life -- live with it!

I have come to the conclusion that I have more things that I have to “JUST LIVE WITH” than I have actual medical problems!

I have diabetes, heart trouble, and high blood pressure, all of which are being taken care of with meds.

But when you come right down to it, it’s all things that I


I hope I live long enough to just do that!!!
What the hell … whatever works … Normandie